A little bit about me

From the moment I built my first "Hello World" application, I was hooked on the thought of becoming a developer. I fell into a lot of familiar routines in my work life. Software Development was a refreshing challenge that broke me out of those ruts.

After studying on my own for about a year, I decided it was time to make a leap. That is when I started an accelerated program at Eleven Fifty Academy. That program was a 3 month bootcamp, which taught me .NET, C#, HTML, CSS, Angular, and more.

I am currently working full time for Eleven Fifty as a Learning Data Specialist. A fancy title that means that I collect and manage student data, run analytics, and look for trends. Other than my day job, I am often working on personal projects and doing freelance work.

When I leave the computer, I am with my wife and two daughters or else either watching or playing hockey. We spend a lot of time in state parks both in Indiana and in the St. Louis area, where I grew up. The image at the top is a common destination for the family, Castlewood!

As far as career goals, I am excited for the chance to learn and grow as an individual and a developer. There is always more to learn. In addition, there are always people to learn tips and tricks from. It is a lot of fun and is a challenge that I have been craving for a long time in my professional life.

Familiar Technologies

DotNetCore DotNet CSharp SQL HTML 5 CSS 3 Swift Bootstrap Angular Rest API's Object Oriented Programming

View a copy of my resume here.


Links to most projects are available by clicking the images.

Static HTML Page

Static HTML Store Front

This was one of my first projects in HTML and CSS. The goal of the project is a static HTML page built to gain more familiarity with HTML5 and CSS3. I created anchors that lead to various parts of the page, a basic nav bar, filled the page with content, and styled the layout. I have ideas to build upon this and possibly use it in the future.

C# Console Apps

C# Console Challenges

These challenges are responses to prompts included in the text file in each base folder. These display a familiarity with C#. They are console applications that use C# fundamentals to solve the problems given in the prompts.

*Current* ASP.NET App

Stat Tracking Application

This application is a little more complicated. It is an application built with ASP.NET using the MVC architectural pattern. The live version has been temporarily taken down, however, the logic still works. This project was a lot of fun to build and test. I am still quite proud of what I accomplished. I have a few ideas to add on in the future and will continue to improve this in my spare time.

*Current* Angular/WebAPI Application


This was a group project that I helped to develop. We created an application that uses a connection to Spotify's API to analyze songs and playlists for a logged in user. For the front end, we used Angular to format our application. For the backend, we used a WebAPI project. The backend currently needs to be run locally, however, the front end is viewable by clicking the image above. This was a lot of fun and everyone in the group grew in our skills.

Simple Calculator

Simple Calculator

This project is my first attempt to build a project using Windows Presentation Foundation or WPF. It is a simple calculator with full functionality. The goal of this project is to expand on my skills with C# and to discover other applications of the language.

Piggyback Finance App

Piggyback Finance App

This is a freelance project I have been developing with a startup team. I have consulted and developed for this since October of 2019. It is being built in .NET Core. I have learned a lot about the ins and outs of the framework from this work. The opportunity has also provided a more intricate look at working with outside API's. Unfortunately, I can not go into deep detail about this project. If you have questions, or want to contact the project owner, feel free to reach out!

Campus Cafe

System Front End Work

As part of my job with Eleven Fifty Academy, I have performed updates to the front end of one of the systems used by the school. On the reverse side of the card is an image of the final product. You can click for a larger view. My focus when working on this was to update the format of the page's design to be intuitive and easily usable by staff and students. My main goal was to simplify the design of the page.

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